
  • Life’s Berry Sweet
    Another year of strawberry festivities has come to a close. If you are a Florida native, or snowbird, you are familiar with the famous Strawberry Festival celebrated in Plant City, Florida. To our family, it holds a closer more significant meaning. My father spent much of his entire life as a farm worker. From hisContinue reading “Life’s Berry Sweet”
  • Happy Birthday to Me!
    My sister asked my dad this morning what year out of his ninety was the best. “All of them.” he replied. What an honor to have my dad alive, healthy and full of life. On his ninetieth year on this earth, I’d like to share more about him. Here goes. He is dubbed the EnergizerContinue reading “Happy Birthday to Me!”
  • It’s Our Duty as Citizens
    Growing up, there was one guarantee at 6:30 each night, the national news being reported by Dan Rather on television in our home. As kids, we had two choices during that thirty minute window: go outside or sit down and watch the news. I probably chose the first option as a kid, but as I’veContinue reading “It’s Our Duty as Citizens”
  • Trick or Treat!
    Halloween was always a festive time growing up in our family. I loved this time of the year as a kid. The cool weather and leaves changing colors added to the festivities. My parents always were in the spirit of taking us out to trick or treat and my dad always joined us in beingContinue reading “Trick or Treat!”
  • Always Something To Do
    Is there a smell, burnt into your mind’s eye, that takes you back to a place and time in your life? Recently, I stopped by my local Ace hardware store and as I opened the door to walk in, I found my childhood self walking down the aisles of home improvement stores with my dad.Continue reading “Always Something To Do”
  • No Ordinary Love Story
    What does this photo say to you? To me, it speaks a thousand words of emotion. Not what you imagine your wedding photo to look like. My parents union is one fit for the big screen, but in a unique way. My father’s first wife left him with their six children. As you’ve read inContinue reading “No Ordinary Love Story”
  • America the Beautiful
    One thing you will always find at my parent’s home is the American flag, flown proudly. My father will never denounce his Mexican heritage, but with great pride he will exclaim why he loves America so much. Some people die for this country, others almost die trying to get here. Standing in Matamoros, Mexico, lookingContinue reading “America the Beautiful”
  • Gazing North
    At the surface, our story is much like many other first generation American’s. But digging deeper you will learn how this man propelled himself for a better life, and in turn, created a legacy of what our family is today. My father was born in a small village called San Diego de Alcala in theContinue reading “Gazing North”

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